One of the first (and most exciting!) responsibilities you have as a parent is naming your baby. Some parents wait until their baby is born, while other parents have a name prepped months beforehand. Whatever method you use, it’s fun to do your research on popular baby boy, girl, and gender-neutral names.
If you’re wondering what the most popular baby names are today, we’ve got you covered.
Popular Baby Girl Names
Olivia (oh-liv-ee-uh)
Emma (eh-muh)
Means whole, of English origin
Ava (eh-vah)
Means birdlike, lively of German origin
Charlotte (shar-lit)
Means freedom, of English origin
Sophia (soh-fee-yah)
Means wisdom, of Greek origin
Amelia (uh-mee-lee-uh)
Means defender, of English origin
Isabella (i-zuh-beh-luh)
Means “God is my oath,” of Italian origin
Mia (mee-yuh)
Means moon, of Australian origin
Evelyn (eh-vuh-lin)
Means life, of French origin
Lucy (loo-see)
Means light, of English origin
Ariya (ur-ee-uh)
Means “ray of hope,” of English origin
Ember (em-br)
Means spark, of English origin
Kate (kayt)
Means pure, of English origin
Eliza (eh-lie-zah)
Means “God is my oath,” of Hebrew origin
Savannah (suh-van-nuh)
Means “tropical grassland,” of Spanish origin
Zoe (zo-ee)
Means life, of Greek origin
Camila (Kuh-mi-la)
Means “religious servant,” of Roman origin
Gianna (Gi-an-na)
Means “God is gracious,” of Italian origin
Abigail (a-bi-gail)
Means “Father of exaltation,” of Hebrew origin
Luna (loo-nuh)
Means moon, of Latin origin
Ella (ell-uh)
Means foreign, of German origin
Elizabeth (e-lizabe-th)
Means “God’s promise,” of Hebrew origin
Emily (e-mi-ly)
Means rival, of Latin origin
Mila (mee-luh)
Means miracles, of Spanish origin
Scarlett (s-carle-tt)
Means red, of French origin
Eleanor (e-lea-nor)
Means “sun ray,” of Greek origin
Layla (lay-la)
Means “night beauty,” of Arabic origin
Penelope (Pe-nelo-pe)
Means weaver, of Greek origin
Aria (a-ria)
Means lioness, of Hebrew origin
Chloe (ch-loe)
Means “green shoot,” of French origin
Grace (g-ray-ce)
Means favor or blessing, of Latin origin
Ellie (ell-ee)
Means noble, of Greek origin
Means honor, of Latin origin
Hazel (HA-zel)
Means “the hazel tree,” of English origin
Victoria (vik-tor-ee-uh)
Means victory, of Latin origin
Lily (lill-ee)
Means pure, of Latin origin
Aurora (oh-ro-ra)
Means dawn, of Latin origin
Violet (vy-oh-lit)
Means purple, of Latin origin
Maeve (mae-ve)
Means intoxicating, of Irish origin
Ivy (ay-vee)
Means “evergreen climbing plant,” of English origin
Eliana (e-lia-na)
Means “God has answered,” of Hebrew origin
Amelia (ah-meel-ee-uh)
Means hard worker, of Latin origin
Lyla (ly-luh)
Means “Island beauty,” of English origin
Alice (ah-lis)
Means noble, of German origin
Molly (mawl-ee)
Means “star of the sea,” of Irish origin
Jasmine (jazz-min)
Means “jasmine flower,” of Persian origin
Louise (loo-eez)
Means famous warrior, of German origin
Willow (will-oh)
Means “willow bay,” of English origin
Alina (a-lin-a)
Means light, of Russian origin
Dior (dee-or)
Means golden, of French origin
Maya (may-a)
Means home, of Australian origin
Popular Baby Boy Names
Liam (lee-um)
Means “with a gilded helmet” of Irish origin
Noah (noh-uh)
Means “peace and rest” of Hebrew origin
Oliver (ol-i-ver)
Means “olive tree,” of Latin origin
Elijah (uh-lai-juh)
Means “The Lord is my God,” of English origin
William (wil-lee-yahm)
Means helmet, of English origin
James (jaymz)
Means “he who supplants,” of Hebrew origin
Benjamin (ben-je-min)
Means “son of the right hand” of Hebrew origin
Lucas (lew-kahs)
Means “from Lucania” of Italian origin
Henry (hen-ree)
Means “home ruler,” of German origin
Alexander (a-luhg-zan-dr)
Means warrior, of Greek origin
Caden (kay-den)
Means fighter, of English origin
Maxwell (mak-swel)
Means “great stream,” of Scottish origin
Anthony (an-the-nee)
Means “priceless one,” of Latin origin
Wyatt (wy-uht)
Means “brave in war,” of English origin
Jax (jaks)
Means “Son of Jack,” of English (modern) origin
Jacob (jay-kuhb)
Means supplanter, of Hebrew origin
Luka (loo-kuh)
Means “man from Luciana,” of Italian origin
Walker (waa-kr)
Means “cloth-walker,” of English origin
Sebastian (si-bast-ee-uhn)
Means “person from the ancient city of Sebastia,” of English origin
Mateo (ma-teo)
Means “gift of God,” of Hebrew origin
Leo (lee-oh)
Means lion, of Latin origin
Jack (jak)
Means “God is gracious,” of English origin
Daniel (dan-yul)
Means “God is my judge,” of Hebrew origin
Owen (oh-win)
Means “born of yew,” of Welsh origin
Muhammed (mu-hammed)
Means praiseworthy, of Arabic origin
Julian (ju-lian)
Means “jove’s child,” of Greek origin
Hudson (hud-son)
Means “son of Hugh,” of English origin
Luke (loo-k)
Means “from Lucanas,” of Greek origin
Samuel (sa-muel)
Means “God hears,” of Hebrew origin
Lincoln (lin-kin)
Means “lake colony,” of English origin
Gabriel (gay-briel)
Means “God’s able-bodied one,” of Hebrew origin
Maverick (mav-er-ick)
Means independent, of English origin
Josiah (jo-siah)
Means “Jehovah helps,” of Hebrew origin
Isaiah (i-saiah)
Means “salvation of God,” of Hebrew origin
Eli (ee-li)
Means high, of Hebrew origin
John (jaw-n)
Means “God is gracious,” of Hebrew origin
Joseph (jo-zif)
Means “Jehovan increases,” of Hebrew origin
Matthew (ma-thew)
Means “gift of God,” of Hebrew origin
Adam (a-dum)
Means “son of red earth,” of Hebrew origin
Caleb (cay-lub)
Means faith, of Hebrew origin
Isaac (i-zuc)
Means laughter, of Hebrew origin
Aaron (air-in)
Means “mountain of strength,” of Hebrew origin
Jamison (jay-mi-son)
Means “he who supplants,” of Hebrew origin
Andrew (a-nd-rew)
Means warrior, of Greek origin
Colton (col-ton)
Means “swarthy person,” of English origin
Jonathan (jaw-nuh-thin)
Means “gift of God,” of Hebrew origin
Cooper (coo-per)
Means “barrel maker,” of English origin
Jeremiah (je-re-miah)
Means “the Lord exalts,” of Hebrew origin
Roman (roh-min)
Means “citizen of Rome,” of Latin origin
Connor (con-nur)
Means “hound lover,” of Irish origin
Gender Neutral Popular Baby Names
Adrian (a-drian)
Means rich, of Greek origin
Amari (a-mar-ee)
Means “strength” and “immortal”, of African, Arabic and English origin
Easton (ee-stin)
Means “from East town,” of English origin
Eden (ee-den)
Means “paradise,” of Hebrew origin
Finnegan (fi-nuh-gan)
Means “fair,” of Irish origin
Glenn (g-len)
Means “from a wooded valley,” of Scottish origin
Gavyn (ga-vyn)
Means “white hawk,” of English origin
Harper (har-pur)
Means “harp player,” of Irish, English, and Scottish origin
Madison (ma-di-son)
Means “son of the mighty warrior,” of English origin
Avery (a-ve-ry)
Means “elf counsel,” of English origin
Hunter (hun-tur)
Means hunter, of English origin
Kai (kai)
Means “keeper of the keys,” of English origin
Nova (noh-vuh)
Means new, of Latin origin
Logan (loh-gan)
Means hollow, of Gaelic origin
Elliot (el-ee-t)
Means “the Lord is my God,” of Hebrew origin
Quinn (kwin)
Means wisdom, of Gaelic origin
Skylar (skay-laar)
Means scholar, of Dutch origin
River (riv-ur)
Means “flowing body of water,” of English origin
Riley (ry-lee)
Means “rye clearing,” of English origin
Hayden (pronunciation)
Means “hedged valley,” of English origin
Ezra (ez-ra)
Means helper, of Hebrew origin
Reese (ree-se)
Means enthusiasm, of Welsh origin
Remington (re-ming-ton)
Means “raven-family town,” of English origin
Lennox (len-nox)
Means “with many elm trees,” of Scottish origin
August (awg-ist)
Means magnificent, of Latin origin
Jayden (jay-den)
Means thankful, of Hebrew origin
Armani (a-rma-ni)
Means “high end clothing brand,” of Italian origin
Ryan (r-yan)
Means king, of Gaelic origin
Azariah (a-za-riah)
Means “helped by God,” of Hebrew origin
Sawyer (soy-er)
Means wood-worker, of English origin
Sage (say-ge)
Means wise, of Latin origin
Emerson (em-ur-sin)
Means brave, of English origin
Ari (a-ri)
Means lion or eagle, of Scandinavian origin
Harlow (har-low)
Means army hill, of English origin
Micah (may-kah)
Means “who resembles God,” of Hebrew origin
Carter (car-ter)
Means “one who transports goods,” of English origin
Parker (par-kur)
Means “park keeper,” of English origin
Finley (fin-lee)
Means “fair-haired,” of Irish origin
Everly (e-ver-lu)
Means “Boar Meadow,” of English origin
Rylan (ry-lan)
Means “land where rye is grown,” of English origin
Emery (e-me-ry)
Means “home strength,” of English origin
Rory (ror-ee)
Means “red king,” of Irish origin
Cameron (ca-me-ron)
Means “crooked nose,” of Scottish origin
Dakota (da-ko-ta)
Means friend, of Native American origin
Leighton (lay-ton)
Means “meadow settlement,” of English origin
Phoenix (fee-niks)
Means dark red, of Greek origin
Milan (mee-lan)
Means “a coming together,” of Sanskrit origin
Presley (press-lee)
Means “priest’s meadow,” of English origin
Sutton (sut-ton)
Means “southern settlement,” of English origin
Logan (lo-gan)
Means hollow, of Gaelic origin
Grayson (g-ray-son)
Means “son of the gray-haired man,” of English origin
Michael (my-kul)
Means “who resembles God,” of Hebrew origin