We can all probably agree that babies are pure magic all on their own, but if you’re looking for a baby name that will live up to the job, we’ve got you covered.
Here are all the magical baby names you can dream of!
Magical Baby Girl Names
Ginevra (jinᐧevᐧruh)
Means white as foam, of Celtic origin
Alice (aaᐧlihs)
Means noble, of German origin
Belle (behl)
Means beautiful, of French origin
Hermoine (herᐧmieᐧnee)
Means messenger, of Greek origin
Luna (looᐧnuh)
Means moon, of Latin origin
Minerva (mihᐧnurᐧvuh)
Means of the mind, intellect, of Latin origin
Millicent (mihlᐧihᐧsihnt)
Means strong in work, of German origin
Cassandra (kuhᐧsawnᐧdruh)
Means shining or excelling, of Greek origin
Esmerelda (ezᐧmuhᐧrehlᐧduh)
Means emerald, of Spanish or Portuguese origin
Angelica (aanᐧjehlᐧihᐧkuh)
Means angelic, of Italian, Polish, or Russian origin
Arwen (arᐧwihn)
Means noble maiden, of Welsh origin
Camellia (kuhᐧmeeᐧleeᐧuh)
Means Kamel’s flower, of Welsh origin
Wendy (wihnᐧdee)
Means white shadow, white wave, of English origin
Jasmin (jazᐧmihn)
Means jasmine flower, of Persian origin
Aurora (uhᐧrawrᐧuh)
Means dawn, of Latin origin
Rose (rohz)
Means rose flower, of Latin origin
Eowyn (aiᐧohᐧwihn)
Means horse lover, of Old English origin
Brigid (brihᐧguhd)
Means universal, of English origin
Gilly (gihᐧlee)
Means youthful, of literary origin
Marion (mairᐧeeᐧohn)
Means drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved, of English and French origin
Merry (mairᐧee)
Means lighthearted, of English origin
Ariel (airᐧeeᐧehl)
Means lion of God, of Hebrew origin
Sage (sayg)
Means wise, of Latin origin
Althea (aalᐧtheeᐧuh)
Means with healing power, of Greek origin
Cosima (kozᐧihmᐧa)
Means order, beauty, of Greek origin
Brienne (breeᐧehn)
Meaning unknown, of literary origin
Juno (jooᐧnoh)
Means queen of heavens, of latin origin
Margeary (marᐧjorᐧee)
Meaning unknown, of literary origin
Alisa (uhᐧleeᐧsuh)
Means great happiness, of Hebrew origin
Phoebe (feeᐧbee)
Means radiant, shining light, of Greek origin
Dana (daiᐧnuh)
Means from Denmark, gift, or wise, of English, Slavic, Persian, and Arabic origin
Athena (uhᐧtheeᐧnuh)
Means from Athens, of Greek origin
Shae (shay)
Means stately, gift, of Irish and Hebrew origin
Asia (aizᐧyuh)
Means living, prosperous, of Greek origin
Cybele (sihᐧbuhl)
Means the mother of all Gods, of Greek origin
Freya (fraiᐧyuh)
Means a noble woman, of Norse origin
Daphne (daafᐧnee)
Means laurel tree, bay tree, of Greek origin
Aine (awnᐧyuh)
Means brightness, splendor, of Irish origin
Persephone (purᐧsehᐧfuhᐧnee)
Meaning unknown, of Greek origin
Vesta (vehᐧstuh)
Means pure, of Latin origin
Adelina (aaᐧdehᐧleeᐧnuh)
Means noble, nobility, of Slavic, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian origin
Magical Baby Boy Names
Alastor (aaᐧluhᐧstr)
Means defender of the people, of Scottish origin
Reginald (rehᐧjeeᐧnahld)
Means counsel power, of English origin
Boone (boon)
Means blessing, lucky, of English and French origin
Arod (ayᐧraad)
Means swift, of literary origin
Apollo (uhᐧpawlᐧoh)
Means universal, of English origin
Strider (streyeᐧdr)
Means to fight, of German origin
Odin (ohᐧdiihn)
Means universal, of English origin
Beorn (bayᐧorn)
Means nobleman, of Old English origin
Flint (pronunciation)
Means born near outcrop of flint, of English origin
Flynn (flihnt)
Means son of the red-haired one, of Irish origin
Ferdinand (firᐧdihnᐧaand)
Means bold voyager, of German origin
Eric (airᐧik)
Means eternal ruler, of Old Norse origin
Sebastian (suhᐧbaasᐧchuhn)
Means person from ancient city of Sebastia, of Latin and Greek origin
Ramsey (raamᐧsee)
Means low-lying land, of English origin
Arthur (arᐧthr)
Means bear, of Celtic origin
Jaime (jayᐧmee)
Means supplanter, of Spanish origin
Edward (ehdᐧword)
Means wealthy guardian, of English origin
Bronn (braan)
Meaning unknown, of literary origin
Gulliver (guhlᐧlihᐧvr)
Means glutton, of Irish origin
Romeo (rohᐧmeeᐧoh)
Means pilgrim to Rome, of Italian origin
Conan (cohᐧnahn)
Means little wolf, of Irish origin
Hans (hawns)
Means God is gracious, of German origin
Merlin (merᐧlihn)
Means sea fortress, of Welsh origin
Robin (rawᐧbihn)
Means bright fame, of English origin
Peter (peeᐧtr)
Means rock, of Greek origin
Ronan (roᐧnahn)
Means little seal, of Irish origin
Noble (nohᐧbuhl)
Means aristocratic, of Latin origin
Gender Neutral Magical Baby Names
Orion (ohᐧreyeᐧuhn)
Means mythological hunter, of Greek origin
Morgan (morᐧgn)
Means sea born, sea song, or sea circle, of Welsh origin
Atlas (aatᐧluhs)
Means bearer of the heavens, of Greek origin
Gabriel (gayᐧbreeᐧuhl)
Means God is my strength, of Hebrew origin
Bodhi (bohᐧdee)
Means awakening, enlightenment, of Sanskrit origin
Cosmo (kozᐧmoh)
Means order, beauty, of Greek, Italian, English origin
Justice (juhsᐧtiss)
Word name, of French and Latin origin
Bairn (behrn)
Means child, of Scottish origin
Avery (ayᐧvurᐧee)
Means ruler of the elves, of English origin
Sen (sehn)
Means mythological elf, of Japanese origin
Briar (breyeᐧur)
Means a thorny patch, of Latin origin
Cailean (kayᐧleeᐧuhn)
Means a pub, cub, of Irish, Scottish Gaelic origin
Dylan (dihlᐧuhn)
Means a son of the sea, of Welsh origin
Galen (gayᐧlihn)
Means a calm, healer, of Greek origin